對稱就是醜 — Nissan日產新車款Cube平面廣告

Cube 是日產Nissan自1998年已推出的一款Mini MPV,造型趣怪,最大特色是車尾L型的後窗設計,左右不對稱,與傳統「四四正正」(四平八穩地對稱)的設計搞對抗。

這系列的廣告就是告訴我們此車的顛覆設計概念,更要來句佻皮反話Symmetry Sucks,,抵譭對稱之物為醜醜醜。


3 thoughts on “對稱就是醜 — Nissan日產新車款Cube平面廣告”

  1. Hey Rudi,
    Amazing blog! I want to get into running, but there are so much information on the net. Any tips for beginner?


  2. Ray’s blog is one of the very few blogs in Hong Kong discussing running and he is really good. http://www.raydiohead.com/hq/cats/runnerplus/ I think he is a better person to ask. But I suggest you to start it slowly first and keep it consistent. 4-5K at a time is ok. You can also check out information from the Nike running site. You don’t need to buy a pair of Nike shoes but this is where good to start learning something basic. http://inside.nike.com/blogs/nikerunning_training-en_US Having said that, if you are a Mac fan, you will love Nike+ iPod easily. Not just love. You will actually get addicted.

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