由於歌精舞勁,加上玩形象玩得出神入化,Lady Gaga已成為近期的潮流Icon,各大名牌當然亦樂於「攝位」支持。
說的不是她新拍的廣告,而是一支疑似廣告雜誌的Music Video.
Lady Gaga新曲Telephone的Music Video,全長9分32秒的Music Video,當中出現過的品牌Product Placement,最少有10個。
這齣仿如後現代版女子監獄風雲+Kill Bill混合體的迷你電影,由曾經製作多支Music Video(包括最有名的Madonna 的Ray of light)的Jonas Akerlund執導,更有Beyonce及Tyrese Gibson等重量級歌手特別客串,星光熠熠,順序出場的還包括有Heartbeats earphones、Virgin Mobile、Diet Coke、 HP Envy ‘Beats Limited Editon’ laptop、Plenty Of Fish dating site、Chevrolet、Polaroid、Wonderbread、Miracle Whip等等品牌及產品。
似乎外國的廣告客戶都較有膽識兼大方吧,因為此Music Video內,主角是監躉,內容又涉及裸露、同性戀、謀殺到最後的集體大屠殺,嘩,真係該煨過該煨,大吉利事過大吉利事。
但世事就是如此,你這麼怕負面嗎?但正所謂負負得正,這支Music Video內出現的品牌,卻忽然都「潮」起來了。
忽發奇想,如果當年Michael Jackson長達六分多鐘的Thriller也有Product Placement,又會是什麼樣的景象呢?
架車應該唔算係product placement吧
沒看生果報,但據有關方面的發言人表示”But despite the cornucopia of products, only a handful were paid placements, said Gaga’s manager, Troy Carter, CEO of Coalition Media Group”,MV內出現的品牌和所謂的Product Placement,絕非所有都有直接付廣告費,Lady Gaga很懂得玩Marketing,你唔係佢你真係唔知得咁多。
brilliant! Lady gaga is a an astounding gal. I truly adore her music. I took my family to see her last month in concert and had a fantastic time.
I like the songs because they are more extravagant, and she is out of the patterns, she is a cool chick.
Although she has a strange style, but she has a great voice as well:)