看完Social Network,我會建議你追加觀看Pirates of Silicon Valley。

大家都像早認定我一定會看了Social Network這部戲似的,好吧好吧,我終於看了。


其實對於Mark Zuckerberg的故事,像我這類網絡八卦公,當然老早透過不同的”Social Network”途徑,聽過不少了,其實早沒多大興趣。

但由於Aaron SorkinDavid Fincher這對編/導組合,反而引起我對此片有莫大興趣。


作為兩名非Facebook用戶,我覺得Aaron SorkinDavid Fincher說得實在好,大概是兩個月前吧,在TIME的訪問中,他們是如是說:


It really didn’t have much at all to do with Facebook itself. I wasn’t on Facebook. I don’t spend a lot of time on the Internet, and social networking wasn’t really part of my life.

But the story itself! There are elements of it that are as old as storytelling: friendship and loyalty, class, jealousy, betrayal — all those kinds of things that were being written about 4,000 years ago.

It struck me as a great big classic story. And those classic elements were being applied to something incredibly contemporary.


That was the thing that fascinated us in doing the research about Zuckerberg.

I think in a weird way his inability to connect with those next to him — who better to have invented this technology than somebody who needs it?



主角Mark Zuckerberg的心路歷程,在電影中盡量以第三者的角度去詮釋,讓你有一半是要去猜的,十分之open-ended,沒有說得太白。

感覺上,此片令我聯想起另一部也是講及像Mark Zuckerberg這類名校尖子故事般的電影21,當中也是講述一些絕頂聰明的年輕人,如何靠小聰明闖出另一片天空,同時又在友情、名利與金錢的決擇間,弄得一敗塗地,不能自拔。

所以,這部電影,我預料一般網絡怪Geeks看後,會可能覺得不夠喉,如果你是其中一位的話,我會建議你補看另一部,曾經只在HBO播放過的單元劇Pirates of Silicon Valley

故事正是講述Steve Jobs和Bill Gates,這兩位是敵也是友的科技巨頭,想當年還是己廿歲出頭時,究竟是如何識於微時,以及如何闖出名來的野史。

當中固然涉及很多恩怨情愁,內容也極其Geek的能事,譬如,看完你會知道為何Steve Jobs曾經命名其一實驗階段的電腦系列為Lisa,其中,又會講及Bill Gates如何將DOS「出租」給IBM。

我更獨愛劇中將目前Microsoft的CEO Steve Ballmer,居然會被描繪為Bill Gates身旁的一名既傻兮兮,又無殺傷力的小胖老友般的喜劇角色,娛樂性極之豐富。

此外,有關Steve Wozniak,這位當年其實是Apple 大腦的創辦合夥人,又是如何與Steve Jobs由最好的朋友,變成陌路人的小故事。

劇中飾演Steve Jobs 的Noah Wyle,曾經出現於1999的Macworld,他居然夠膽老虎頭上釘虱乸,扮起Steve Jobs來,兼且負責了當日活動的開場白,大家且看看他的表現,能否與家英哥爭一日之長。

7 thoughts on “看完Social Network,我會建議你追加觀看Pirates of Silicon Valley。”

  1. HI, 你好…我冇意中search到呢到… 唔知你可唔可以幫幫我??

  2. @annie 哈哈,什麼時候我變了做黃頁?我的答案是「不知道,4As的大概無,幫人做招牌的廣告公司就不肯定有無」。

  3. Pingback: 此JOBS不同彼JOBS - Adman's Rants 廣告風涼話

  4. Pingback: David Fincher 不平凡打造 The Social Network | aTimeMachine

  5. Pingback: David Fincher 不平凡打造 The Social Network | aTimeMachine Blog

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