翻開Time Magazine,這個10 Questions For…是我每期必讀的專欄。
每次的名人專訪,都有十條選自世界各地的讀者提問,上Time Magazine的官方網,更有原汁原味的訪問錄影。
最近訪問了Michael J. Fox,這位我由Family Ties到Back To The Future以至Spin City等時期都極喜愛的演員。
他於九十年代初公開承認患上柏金遜症,之後反而沒有躲起來,他一直運用其名氣,積極向政界及普羅大眾喚起對此病的關注,為有關的病人家庭籌款,出錢出力。Michael J. Fox今年48歲。
看完Michael J. Fox這訪問,我希望大家不要再隨便拿柏金遜來笑人家了,聽到我會丙鑊你。
“How do you keep your optimism in the face of difficult circumstance?”
“I think mostly it’s about acceptance. I have no choice about whether or not I have Parkinson’s. I have nothing but choices about how I react to it. In those choices, there’s freedom to do a lot of things in areas that I wouldn’t have otherwise found myself in.”
想看Michael J. Fox的訪問錄影,請到這裡。