想當年,海港城(從前是還是叫海運時)的天台停車場,其實是不少我輩的香港人的best kept secret。還記得中學時我們的壘球隊拿了聯賽冠軍,慶功宴飲飽食醉後就是跑到上這裡,對著無敵的維港景,成班細佬傻更更地吵吵嚷嚷,就是這樣便開心地過了一整晚,當時在那裡正在拍拖的情侶們,真係多得我地唔少,要知道,這裡也是他們的best kept secret哦。
面向燈光璀璨的維港,你會深深體會到「一個海港,只有一個海港城」這句佳話,全香港,這裡的維港最美。(這就是我們的best kept secret)
後記:如果你對在海港城的貴賓區欣賞煙花這類活動有興趣,海港城在Facebook其實設了個一個Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/HarbourCity,成為他們的Fans後,以後你就有機會可能像我一樣,參加他們這類粉絲獨享的活動了。
兩個人就唱singing in the rain,唱得幾句就唔記得歌詞,只懂哼個音
@黑人 多謝你這麼快便過來捧場,是呀,我真的希望海港城能夠多搞一些集體回億的活動,因為對於我等港仔來說,這裡不是一個商場那麼簡單。話時話,睇完MadMen Season 3未?
Harbour City is really a great place to go… and I had the same feeling as you towards the great nite view. Everytime when the nite is clear as I look at the nite view I think to myself “HK is such a beautiful place” This view is spetacular and you will not be able to find the same in any other part of the world. ^^v
Yeah…I am so proud of the night view of the Victoria harbour. And Harbour City is always the place I bring my overseas’ friend to. It’s an one-stop destination for both shopping and sight-seeing!!
i am a new fans of your blog, followed from HOCC’s blog…
your post about Harbour City elicits my memory before
I was lucky enough to have attended a talk by the senior marketing manager of Harbour City and know what is behind the scene, the story for a such a successful shopping mall
it is a very great marketing effort they made and how they do it is truly inspiring too!!
@Don Thanks for your message and kind words. That marketer you mentioned should be Karen. She is the most passionate marketer I have ever seen in Hong Kong. She literally pours her heart into marketing this shopping mall and makes it the most popular one in Hong Kong. Harbour City is truly one of the best kept secrets of most Hong Kong people and I am happy to hear that this post did evoke your sweet memories too…;)
thank you for your prompt reply 🙂 (I am very surprised:P)
yes, it is Karen, she gave a talk in my university on Harbour City’s marketing campaign
i couldn’t agree more on your comment on Karen, her job is one of the toughest ones that I hv ever seen, the amazing thing is that she turns it into an incredibly joyful experience for her and the people around her
the talk was really out of my expectation that it is so interesting coz I was just curious about the campaign as I am a marketing student and expected a really boring presentation (as it usually would be :P)
but Karen’s passion just kind of “infected” me and i kept sharing what I have learnt from the talk with my frds 😀